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What grades will Beachside serve in its opening year?
  • Beachside High School will open with Grades 9-11.

What types of clubs or extracurricular activities will be available?
  • Clubs/activities will develop through collaboration with students, parents, and staff
Will Beachside High School offer ROTC of any type?
  • At this time Beachside will not be offering an ROTC program.
My student just started high school at Bartram/Nease, will there be the possibility to transfer to an academy at Beachside High School?
  • Any 9th or 10th grade student who is zoned for Beachside will be allowed to register/apply for any of the career academies or programs of choice during the 2022-23 school year.
Who is eligible for the AICE/ Cambridge program at Beachside?
  • The AICE/Cambridge program will be offered only to 9th grade students zoned for Beachside High School for the 2022/2023 school year.
  • Students in 10th & 11th grade attending Beachside High School will have the opportunity to take Advancement Placement and Dual Enrollment courses.
  • For the 2023/2024 school year AICE/Cambridge will be offered to all 9th & 10th grade students in St. Johns County not zoned for the following high schools: Nease, St. Augustine, and Pedro Menendez.

For the 2023/2024 school year AICE/Cambridge will be offered to all 9th & 10th grade students in St. Johns County not zoned for the following high schools: Nease, St. Augustine, and Pedro Menendez.

What are some of the student indicators for success in the AICE/Cambridge program?
  • FSA Reading and Writing scores at level 4 or higher
  • Successful completion of Algebra 1 (not required, but strongly recommended)
  • A/B Student, challenging themselves with advanced level courses
  • Highly motivated for academic success
  • Positive Teacher Recommendations
  • Willingness to complete assignments beyond the regular school day


Cambridge AICE Program-9th grade only for the 2022/2023 school year

Advanced International Certificate of Education

The Cambridge AICE Program offers a rigorous international Pre-university curriculum and examination system which emphasizes the value of broad and balance study for academically advanced students. Students can earn college credit for passing scores in every AICE Level exam they take.  AICE courses are among the highest level, most rigorous available to students in St. Johns County School and across the world. The Cambridge

Can a student not enrolled in the AICE program still take an AICE class?

This year, students cannot take AICE courses unless they are accepted into the AICE cohort.  We are exploring opportunities that will allow students who are not part of the cohort to enroll in AICE courses.  At this time, rising 10th graders cannot take AICE courses.

How do I apply for AICE?

Students who are rising ninth graders who are zoned for Beachside can apply for AICE.  The link to the interest form is on the Beachside High School website.  In addition, students will need to gather four teacher recommendations that the teachers will send to Ms. Altick by February 25.  We will notify students by March 1 if they got accepted into the AICE program.


Are General Paper and Thinking Skills classes required in AICE?

General Paper counts as the freshman English course.  Thinking Skills is an elective that is not required, but would count as one of the Group 4 Courses as indicated in the chart on slide 14.


Are IB and AP classes going to be offered in conjunction with AICE?

If you have questions about IB, please contact Missy Kennedy at Nease High School.  Regarding AICE, AP classes will be offered in conjunction with the program.  A student can take AP courses and AICE courses at the same time.  If you are in IB currently, you cannot apply for the AICE program.  It is only for rising 9th graders.


Are teacher recommendations required for AP courses?

Teachers usually recommend students for AP courses if they think they are a good candidate.  Four teacher recommendations are required for AICE and the form can be downloaded from our website.  Teacher recommendations for AICE are due by February 25.

What elective classes can I choose from if attending Beachside?

  • Students can choose elective courses that support their individual interests or post-secondary pathway. Based on student need, elective offerings will include World Languages (ASL and Spanish), Music (Band/Marching Band, Chorus, Jazz Ensemble), Visual Art (2D/3D and Digital Art), Digital Video Technology, Creative Writing, Journalism (Yearbook), Theatre/Drama, Physical Education/HOPE/Weightlifting, and Computer Education. A comprehensive course catalogue will be available in December 2021 courses subject to change based on student interest.

What academic programs will Beachside offer?

Beachside  will offer a diverse collection of courses in academics, career, technical, and elective areas. It is our goal to provide a rigorous learning path that prepares each student for the future. Exceptional Student Education (ESE), Standard, Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), Cambridge (AICE), Dual Enrollment and Career-Technical Education certification programming will be available. A comprehensive course catalogue will be available in December/January 2021, courses subject to change based on student interest.


Academy of Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  • Curriculum Focus- Knowledge of all aspects of the global supply chain and logistics environment
  • High Skill, High Wage, In-Demand-First-Line Supervisors, Operations/Transportation, Storage and Distribution Managers, Logisticians, Logistics Engineer, Entrepreneurs

Academy of Information Technology

  • Curriculum Focus- Fundamentals of programming and software development; procedural and object-oriented programming; creating and maintaining web-based applications
  • High Skill, High Wage, In-Demand- Software Developers Systems/Applications, Programmers, Entrepreneurs, Software Engineers

Academy of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

  • Curriculum Focus-Two strands: Veterinary Assisting and Biomedical Sciences

Human body systems, Animal systems and care, bioinformatics, health, and medical interventions

High Skill, High Wage, In-Demand-Veterinary Technicians, Veterinary Assistants, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Future Health Professionals, Medical Assistant, BioEngineer/Biomedical Engineer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

When do we find out if our child has been accepted into an academy? By March 1

Does the logistics program offer an internship after graduation?   No, the internship would be during the student’s senior year.

If a student is in 10th grade next year, how do they make up for the academy classes they missed? Students only need three academy courses to meet the requirements.

How many people get accepted into an academy? The academy selection is a lottery-based process.  Currently, there is not a set number.

Can you take Dual Enrollment or AP courses if you are in an academy? Yes, you can take both at the same time.

If a student is in 10th grade, what level of academy courses will he/she take? Tenth graders will take the first course in the progression of the academy.  Students only need three academy courses to meet the requirements. 

Can you take be enrolled in two academies? Yes, you can be in two academies if you get accepted into both.

Do academy courses count as college credit? This will develop over time.



What swimming pool or golf course will Beachside athletes use for season?

Beachside High School administration personnel are in the process of securing local facilities for athletic practice and competition. Locations for these facilities will be announced in future newsletters.

What athletic programs will be offered at Beachside?
  • Both Varsity and Junior Varsity fall, winter and spring programs will be available at the opening of the 2022 – 2023 school year based on student interest.  Beachside is planning on offering a full battery of athletic programs (football, volleyball, baseball, softball, swimming and diving, soccer, lacrosse, basketball, tennis, golf, weightlifting, cross country, track and field, competitive cheer, competitive dance, and wrestling).

Media Services

Will students be able to bring tablets (laptop computers) from home?

Yes. Students bringing devices from home will sign a technology waiver form and must use the tablet/computer according to teacher/administrator guidelines

Will we have e-books or textbooks?

Our students will have traditional textbooks in addition to online learning resources.

What resources will be available in the media center?

The media center will have a collection of both traditional books and eBooks.

Policy and Procedures

Will my child receive transportation?

Transportation bus routes are not developed until the spring of each school year. Generally, students that live within 2 miles of the school are not funded for bus transportation and, therefore, will not be eligible. Once developed, final bus routes will be communicated to parents.

What will be the start and end times for the new school?

The start time for Beachside will be the same as other high schools. School will start at 9:20 a.m. and release at 3:50 p.m. There will be a one-hour early release on Wednesday at 2:50 p.m.

Where will I go to register my child while the school is under construction?

The school registration process begins online. More information is provided on the School District’s website. Current students will not have to re-register but will be transitioned based on the approved Attendance Zone.


If my child is currently enrolled at Bartram or Nease, will their younger siblings be grandfathered to Bartram?

Students will complete their senior year at either Bartram or Nease with the same transportation option they have currently.  Students now zoned to Beachside, that will be in Grades 9, 10 and 11 will be expected to attend Beachside unless they have been approved for an academy or program of study.