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Academy of Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Academy Night Supply Chain Presentation
  • Curriculum Focus- Knowledge of all aspects of the global supply chain and logistics environment
  • High Skill, High Wage, In-Demand

First-Line Supervisors, Operations/Transportation, Storage and Distribution Managers, Logisticians, Logistics Engineer, Entrepreneurs

Academy of Information Technology
IT Academy Night Presentation
  • Curriculum Focus- Fundamentals of programming and software development; procedural and object-oriented programming; creating and maintaining web-based applications
  • High Skill, High Wage, In-Demand

Software Developers Systems/Applications, Programmers, Entrepreneurs, Software Engineers

Academy of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences


BioMed Academy Night Presentation
  • Curriculum Focus-Two strands: Veterinary Assisting and Biomedical Sciences

Human body systems, Animal systems and care, bioinformatics, health and medical interventions

  • High Skill, High Wage, In-Demand

Veterinary Technicians, Veterinary Assistants, Doctors of Veterinary Medicine, Future Health Professionals, Medical Assistant, BioEngineer/Biomedical Engineer

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