December 11: High School Showcase (for current 8th and 9th graders only)
January 6: Academy and AICE Application Opens (for current 8th and 9th graders only). Click link HERE for SJCSD program of choice policies and procedures. Click HERE for AICE website (includes directions on how to apply to AICE program of choice)
January 15: Courtyard Counseling for Course Selection Questions
January 21: BHS Academy and AICE Student & Parent Night (for current 8th and 9th graders only)
January 23: Course Selection Student & Parent Night (for current BHS students only – important course selection information will be shared)
January 24: Academy and AICE application deadline (for current 8th and 9th graders only), 5 pm
January 24: Academy and AICE drop forms due to Ms. Stone (for students currently in an academy/AICE program at BHS)
January 31: Rising 11th and 12th grade BHS students receive course recommendations. Rising 10th grade students will get them in February before their appointment (after the district finalizes the academy lottery results). Students should read directions on sheet, bring these home to parent/guardian to sign, choose electives, and return to counselor during course selection appointment. Bring in any questions students/parent have during course selection appointment.
February 3-24: Current Beachside HS students meet with school counselors to review and submit course selections via English class. Click HERE for schedule. Students are welcome to call their parents during this appointment.
February 19: Welcome to Barracuda Nation! 8th Grade Student & Parent Night
February 25-March 10: 8th grade students receive course recommendations from current middle school. Students should read directions on sheet, bring these home to parent/guardian to sign, choose electives, and return to counselor during course selection appointment. Bring in any questions students/parent have during course selection appointment. Middle school students meet with school counselors to review and submit course selections. Students are welcome to call their parents during this appointment.
- February 26 – Fruit Cove Middle School
- March 3 & 4 – Liberty Pines Academy
- March 5 – Landrum Middle School
- March 6 & 7 – Swiss Point Middle School
- March 10 – Patriot Oaks Academy, Pacetti Bay Middle School, Freedom Crossing Academy, Valley Ridge Academy, Mill Creek Academy
- If your child’s current school is not listed, once the academy lottery is finalized, Beachside will make appointments with those students/families to schedule a day/time to meet with them.
March 1 – March 14: Students can view course selections in student HAC account. Log into STUDENT HAC account, click Classes button, click Schedule tab. It is the students responsibility to make sure course requests are correct; if students need to make a change, they should use the online form(s).
March 14: Deadline to request a change to 2025-26 course selections, by 12 pm
June/July: Administration will review course placement against final course grades and FAST/EOC scores. Petitions/recommendation re-evaluations will also be reviewed at this time.
July 23 and 24: Schedule Preview in HAC. Click HERE for schedule correction form (will be available on specific dates in July only). Only district approved corrections will be honored during this time. Corrections: a hole in schedule, a course on schedule that student has already earned credit for, a missing graduation requirement. Requests to change a course level, change an elective, switch from brick & mortar course to virtual, add modified, change modified, or to change a teacher will not be honored. Beachside is an ‘at capacity’ school; as a result not all elective requests could be granted, some students may be in an elective they did not choose.
August 7: Schedules are available to view in HAC.
August 11: First Day of School for 2025-26 School Year
Forms – Deadline to complete all forms: March 14 by noon
Academy and AICE Drop Form (due 1/24/25)
Course Request Change Form (complete by March 14 at noon)
Course Catalog
Click HERE for BHS Course Catalog
Course Progressions
Click HERE for all BHS course progressions
Course Selection Appointment Schedule
AICE, AP, and DE Comparison Sheet
AICE and AP University Credit Policies
How should students prepare for course selection appointment with counselor
BHS Scheduling Process and Checklist for Students & Families
How Teacher and Student Schedules are Made
Click HERE for Course Selection Process Presentation
Click HERE for Rising 10th Grade Presentation
Click HERE for Rising 11th Grade Presentation
Click HERE for Rising 12th Grade Presentation
Click HERE for AICE Program of Choice Presentation
Click HERE for Welcome to Barracuda Nation! Rising 9th Grade Presentation
Click HERE for “Best of Beachside” News