Summer Term Dual Enrollment Information and Deadlines
January 13, 2025- Summer term dual enrollment courses will be viewable.
February 24, 2025 -BHS Summer 2025 recommended deadline. Complete all items before submitting your packet. Students should submit the completed packet to their school counselor (Patterson, Sterling and Cashwell on the 2nd floor office, Ashenfelder and Shook on the 3rd floor office of building 4) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for the best chance of securing a ‘seat’ in the requested course before courses reach capacity
Summer 2025 registration packet NEW DE students
Summer 2025 registration packet RETURNING DE students
It is the students responsibility to check their SJRSC schedule to determine if they got in the course(s) they requested. Click HERE for directions to check SJRSC schedule.
Textbook Requests for Dual Enrollment Courses
Qualifying Placement Test Scores
Fall Term Dual Enrollment Deadlines will be in May
Dual Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions
Dual enrollment courses can be taken through St. Johns River State College. Students who are eligible are allowed to take Dual Enrollment courses on St. Johns River State College campus or online. Beachside HS does not offer Dual Enrollment courses on the high school site.
What is dual enrollment?
Students are earning high school credit and college credit at the same time, for free*
*paid for by SJCSD
What types of dual enrollment can a student participate in at SJRSC?
Traditional dual enrollment and early admissions. The qualifications for all types of dual enrollment are the same. The deadline and process for submitting the dual enrollment packet to take courses at SJRSC are the same for all types of dual enrollment.
What is Early Admissions?
Early Admissions (college credit) an admission status, which is a form of dual enrollment, that allows a secondary student to enroll full-time (minimum of 12 credit hours) in courses that are creditable toward the high school diploma and the associate degree. The early admission program is limited to students who have completed a minimum of four semesters of full-time secondary enrollment and who meet all other admission criteria required of dual enrollment students. If students choose this option, they cannot take classes on the BHS campus.
Is there a maximum number of courses students can take?
Traditional Dual Enrollment students may take a maximum of ten (10) Dual Enrollment credit hours in the fall term, ten (10) Dual Enrollment credit hours in the spring term, and six (6) to eight (8) Dual Enrollment credit hours (a maximum of 2 courses total) for the summer term. Early admission Dual Enrollment students must take a minimum of twelve (12) and a maximum of sixteen (16) Dual Enrollment credit hours each fall and spring term
What is FERPA?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. When a student turns 18 years old, or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student (“eligible student”). The FERPA statute is found at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and the FERPA regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99.
Do parents have access to the students dual enrollment course grades?
No. Students are expected to handle all communication because they are considered a college student. No one at SJRSC, including students’ professors (teachers), can communicate with parents per the FERPA law.
Can parents conference with/correspond with the students college professors?
No. Students are expected to handle all communication because they are considered a college student. No one at SJRSC, including students’ professors (teachers), can communicate with parents per the FERPA law.
What if students have accommodations?
The student will need to work with the SJRSC Disabilities Services office to determine what accommodations, if any, can be used in college classes.
Are dual enrollment courses ‘watered down’ to fit the needs of high school students?
No. These courses are adult level courses and students should have not only the academic maturity, but the social/emotional maturity to handle adult content matter and academic responsibilities.
What’s the impact of dual enrollment?
Dual enrollment is the start of a college transcript. Dual enrollment grades will follow students forever, which can impact admittance to college/university, acceptance into the students major, and enrollment in graduate school. Doing poorly in dual enrollment courses may also negatively impact financial aid.
What are the homework/study time expectations of dual enrollment?
2-3 hours of homework for each hour spent in class
How will students know when SJRSC dual enrollment applications and registration forms are available?
Students should pay attention to School Counseling Schoology group, the remind text messages from the school counselors, and the website
How will students be informed of all dual enrollment deadlines?
Students should pay attention to School Counseling Schoology group, the remind text messages from the school counselors, and the website
Do students have to re-register for dual enrollment each term?
Yes, a complete and accurate course Registration/Approval form must be submitted by the BHS published deadline for every term the student would like to participate in dual enrollment. Students do not need to complete a new APPLICATION for the college each term. GPA requirement must be met each term. Students should pay attention to School Counseling Schoology group, the remind text messages from the school counselors, and the website
Can the high school counselor help students plan for their AA degree?
High school counselors will advise students for high school graduation and how dual enrollment courses will impact high school graduation. High school counselors cannot advise on AA degree requirements or pre-requisites needed for intended majors. However, SJRSC advisors can help with that once a student is enrolled in their first dual enrollment course. High school counselors suggest students read the following links to make sure they understand what credits they need for an AA degree: and and and and
How do students choose courses to take at SJRSC?
Students should be extremely intentional when choosing dual enrollment courses to be sure they are getting pre-requisite credits needed for their college major. Students should research courses needed to complete their Bachelors degree at their intended university, then work backwards from there when choosing dual enrollment courses.
High school counselors suggest students read the following links to make sure they understand what credits they need to earn an AA degree: and and
SJRSC advising website:
How do students choose the times/dates/locations of courses to take at SJRSC?
The students BHS schedule cannot be changed to accommodate SJRSC dual enrollment courses. Students need one hour of travel time between their last BHS class and the start of a SJRSC class. Students can view the course availability for SJRSC courses to determine the time/dates/location of dual enrollment courses at SJRSC:
What if students want to drop/add/withdraw from a college course after the deadlines?
The high school counselor must approve any changes in college courses so they can make sure the student is still taking the necessary high school graduation requirements. If students receive a D, F, or W students will not be eligible to take more dual enrollment courses.
What kind of high school credit will a student earn with a college course?
Students can review the dual enrollment course equivalency list to determine if the dual enrollment course will meet a high school graduation requirement:
If students take classes at SJRSC, do they need a parking decal?
Yes. Dual Enrollment students must have an SJR State parking permit. Log into your “MySJRstate” account, select “Request Parking Decal” on Student tab, complete permit, print, sign, and submit to Security to obtain a decal.
How do students who take classes at SJRSC get their textbooks?
Dual Enrollment textbooks are checked out (loaned) to SJCSD students through the Media Services Department located at 10 Hildreth Drive in St. Augustine. The phone number is 904-547-3947. Website:
How do students know if they got into their requested SJRSC classes?
It is the students responsibility to check their SJRSC schedule to determine if they got in the course(s) they requested. Click HERE for directions to check SJRSC schedule.
Requirements for ALL dual enrollment (no exceptions)
- 3.0 unweighted, cumulative GPA (if the GPA falls below a 3.0, student will no longer be eligible)
- Have a full set of qualifying placement scores, which must be less than 2 years old. See website for scores needed –
- Have social/emotional maturity
- Submit a complete and accurate dual enrollment application, consent, qualifying placement scores, and registration/approval form by the BHS published deadline
- Students will be informed when dual enrollment applications and registration/approval forms are available as well as deadlines using the following: School Counseling Schoology group, the remind text messages from the school counselors, and the website
How does a student earn qualifying placement scores?
Students can earn qualifying placement scores for dual enrollment classes though the PERT exam, PSAT/NMSQT exam, ACT exam, or SAT exam. Test scores must be less than two years old. Student should refer website for scores needed –
How does a student take the PERT exam?
Students should call the SJRSC testing office at 386-312-4228 to make an appointment at the testing center to take the Reading, Writing, and Math sections of the PERT.
How does a student take the ACT exam?
Students should register for the ACT exam online at
How does a student take the SAT exam?
Students should register for the SAT exam online at
What if a student is interested in taking dual enrollment courses at SJRSC during 11th or 12th grade?
Students will be informed when dual enrollment applications and registration/approval forms are available as well as deadlines using the following: School Counseling Schoology group, the remind text messages from the school counselors, and the website
Students should meet all deadlines published by BHS.
When students are selecting college campus courses, please keep the following in mind:
- Which SJR State Campus is offering that specific section of the course?
- What time of day/evening is the course?
- The students BHS schedule cannot be changed to accommodate SJRSC dual enrollment courses.
- Will you have enough time to drive to/from your high school campus for the course?
- Your BHS high school courses must be taken in consecutive class periods. You may NOT drive to-from-to the BHS campus to participate in dual enrollment.
- If you are an athlete or involved in activities that may take you away for meets or events during the week, can you still attend every dual enrollment course session? If no, don’t sign up!
- The students BHS schedule cannot be changed to accommodate SJRSC dual enrollment courses.
Unwritten rules of dual enrollment (College Student 101)
- Students are responsible for sharing information regarding dual enrollment with parents
- Make sure professors know your name & face by introducing yourself after the first class.
- Every course has a published syllabus. Find it. Print it. Follow it.
- Pay attention to the Professors’ Office Policies or contact methods.
- Attend every class, be early for class, & stay until the professor dismisses the class – EVERY CLASS – regardless of the attendance policy.
- Pay attention to the SJRSC calendar as it differs from the BHS calendar.
- Bring your textbook(s), notebook, and something to write with to every class.
- Take notes in your notebook (not your phone) every class.
St Johns River State College Resources
All students who attend SJRSC have access to these tools and support:
- SJRSC Catalog:
- Advising:
- Career Services:
- Degree Works: 24/7 Degree planning via their student portal! They can review their progress, see their GPA and plan out the next semester.
- And graduating seniors may be eligible for over 180* different scholarships through the online scholarship system:
- Career Pathways Scholarship/Middle School Students and High School Students (Opens in October and ends next April)
- IT Help Line for SJRSC – 1-386-312-4142
- Dual Enrollment Office at SJRSC – 1-386-312-4136 or [email protected]
- Dual Enrollment PERT testing at SJRSC –
- Guide to apply online –
- Baccalaureate Prerequisite guide –
- Navigating your MySJRstate account –
- How to find and check SJRSC schedule –
If students have any questions regarding dual enrollment, they can see their school counselor during their lunch.
Note when applying to colleges senior year: When filling out college applications senior year, students should ALWAYS check the “First Time in College-Freshmen” box. Even if you have taken or are taking college classes, even if you will have an AA degree when you graduate from high school. High school seniors should ALWAYS check “First Time in College-Freshmen” box for college applications to be eligible for scholarships, housing, orientations, etc.